In less than four months, COVID-19 has changed the global economy forever. We currently live and develop our business within a globalized economy and the disruption caused by the pandemic has acted as a massive snowball dragging all the economies into a very difficult situation.
But there is only one certain thing, the COVID-19 situation will pass and then, it will be time for all sectors, including the transportation and logistics industry, to reinvent themselves to be part of a new way of business in a new economic and industrial era. This crisis should be taken the opportunity to look at the future of logistics, as the time to renew the operating models for increased efficiency and responsiveness is already here.
Before the pandemic, the transportation and logistics industry was already experiencing profound changes with the disruption of e-commerce. But the COVID-19 has made it even clearer that connecting by different online platforms with customers or providers can mean the solution to some of the current weak points in logistics. Expanding of online operations within our sector, stablishing well-managed customer support operations or becoming much more versatile are some of the key points to replace “the old ways of working” and to increase effectiveness and efficiency.

E-commerce and online operations will emerge as the big winners of this crisis. Because of this, we need to add a personal touch to our services and logistics businesses need to make their online operations more customer centric so as to adjust to the new situation we are living in. New solutions such as good and instant communication, throughout online platforms, with customers and functionality will support sales operations, protect jobs, and boost the return to growth.
There is no question that this crisis will change the industry and therefore we should take this time of disruption to reset and rethink new strategies which will allow us to be prepared for any other extraordinary event that could come up in the future, as the pandemic has done. It is extremely important to rely on technology to facilitate these changes, focusing on the future with an openness to try digital strategies.
FreightViewer, powered by Conqueror, is a highly integrated global software solution, which will help you to establish a digital approach among customers and agents. It enables you not only to provide that immediate response client’s demand but also to renew your operational model converting it into the perfect strategy to reinvent your business model and adapting it to the new customer behavior, which is much more demanding and less patient.