These one-to-one meetings provide members with a unique opportunity to connect, collaborate, and build lasting partnerships that drive success in the logistics industry
The one-to-one meetings at Conqueror Freight Network’s 11th Annual Meeting form the backbone of the event, offering members the chance to cultivate lasting business relationships with dependable freight forwarding partners. The meeting scheduler will go live on 8th April exclusively for agents who have secured Priority Access. The following day, on 9th April, all other attendees will gain access to the scheduler. On that date, Conqueror’s Head Office will send each delegate an email containing a link and personalized login credentials,with which delegates can efficiently book meetings ahead of the conference.
Conqueror’s Annual Meeting which will take place from 7th to 9th May, 2025, ensures that members can hold up to 32 pre-arranged meetings, enabling them to make the most of their time at the event. The intuitive online scheduler helps delegates plan their meetings in advance by providing access to the full list of attendees and their company profiles. The scheduler also offers additional features to enhance the meeting experience. Conqueror’s team has prepared a guide for delegates to walk them through essential steps and tips to ensure they make the most of their one-on-one meetings.
By reviewing this information beforehand, participants can strategically select key partners to meet, ensuring productive and impactful discussions. Additionally, the scheduler allows delegates to download a personalized agenda, providing them with a structured overview of their scheduled meetings. To maximize networking opportunities, Conqueror encourages attendees to fill as many slots as possible.
Once the scheduler is live, delegates will have two ways to book their meetings. They can either search for companies by country or select a preferred time slot before choosing a partner to meet. The system automatically confirms all scheduled meetings, removing the need for additional approval from the invited company.The scheduler will display a comprehensive view of all booked meetings, including those arranged by other participants.
To manage availability, delegates can use the “Block” function. This will prevent the scheduling of meeting during certain times. If a preferred company is fully booked, attendees should coordinate informal meetings during coffee breaks, lunch, the cocktail reception, or the gala dinner.

The one-to-one meetings at Conqueror Freight Network’s Annual Meeting provide an exclusive platform for members to strengthen business ties and explore new opportunities. With the scheduler opening soon, delegates should prepare ahead to ensure they make the most of this premier networking experience.