Freight forwarders gather in Bangkok to conquer the world-

Bangkok – 115 members from the industry’s only truly city-exclusive network, Conqueror, gathered for its 2nd Annual Meeting, 8th-10th May.

The Grand Millennium Sukhumvit Bangkok provided the location for the 2nd Annual Conqueror Meeting, where 115 agents from 50+ countries gathered to fan the flame of co-operation which burns bright at the heart of Conqueror Freight Network.

best logistics networkConqueror is a solid alliance in which carefully-selected independent freight forwarders in each major city in the world co-operate reciprocally and securely to expand their businesses, reduce costs and risks, and compete on more equal terms against the largest international companies.

At the opening of the meeting, Managing Director, Antonio Torres, congratulated members on their efforts to work co-operatively to serve clients globally and overcome client perceptions that independent forwarders are not equipped to provide a truly worldwide service.

“Co-operation is one important element in our strategy for boosting the business volume of our members; another is our city-exclusivity, like the multinationals, and the third and most important is our annual meeting. As you can see, members are making the most of their individual meetings as well as competing for each other’s attention away from them,” explained Mr Torres.

“As a direct result of meeting our fellow members last year, we saw a marked increase in turnover and I firmly believe that the same will happen again this year; I already have many new leads to follow-up,” said one satisfied member.

To read more; click here.

Independent freight forwarders find network links with other logistics groups pays off: Handy Shipping Guide

freight forwarders networkTHAILAND – SRI LANKA – WORLDWIDE – Considering our recent piece regarding the way shipping and logistics conferences are returning to fashion with many in the freight community thoughts turn to the growth of industry networks which many freight forwarders in particular use to commence and develop trusted partnerships with counterparts overseas.

Most independent agents cannot possibly consider having offices anywhere but in the countries which form their principal markets and, as those are dependent upon the needs of each individual customer and can, quite literally, extend right across the globe, the need for an agent with at least a degree of recommendation is essential.

The network system, if properly supervised, can grant credibility to an agent who must adhere to sound principals or find themselves forsaken by their peers and effectively blacklisted. The same management can also act as arbiters in the case of a dispute and effectively act as a crucial hub for all its members. This month saw the second annual meeting for an embryonic network which claims to be the only one of its type as it is ‘city exclusive’.

One hundred and fifteen members of the Conqueror Network gathered in Bangkok between May 8-10 to hold hundreds of one to one meetings and see a new marketing strategy launched. With representatives hailing from over fifty countries the target for the group is to work co-operatively to serve customers globally and overcome client perceptions that independent forwarders are not equipped to provide a truly worldwide service. The latest campaign aims to assist members to self-promote using tools such as a brochure personalised for each member company.

As one delegate explained, ‘With the multinationals gaining ground daily, I can’t afford for my company to become stagnant. This brochure will aid our team in our promotion to potential clients.’ Conqueror’s Managing Director, Antonio Torres commented:

“Co-operation is one important element in our strategy for boosting the business volume of our members; another is our city-exclusivity, like the multinationals, and the third and most important is our annual meeting. Our second meeting has seen an increase of 33% in attendance, 25% in countries represented and 40% in one-to-one meetings available. The numbers speak for themselves.”

To read more; click here.

CQR Mumbai recognised again as a top forwarder!

CQR Mumbai, (Modern Cargo Services Pvt. LTD.) has been awarded for its excellent support and performance by two airlines, Air Mauritius and Emirates Sky Cargo

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For the year 2012, Emirates SkyCargo recognized 10 companies as top forwarders and Air Mauritius recognized 5; CQR Mumbai was included in both groups receiving the Air Mauritius award for ‘Top Performer 2012’ and the ‘Certificate of Appreciation for continued support in 2011-2012’ by Emirates. Modern Cargo is also ranked highly by other airlines including British Airways, Singapore Airlines, Turkish Airlines and Ethiopian Airlines.
In the year 2011-2012 Modern Cargo air freighted in excess of 5000 tons of cargo from their Head Office location alone and it is thanks to these healthy volumes that they enjoy special rates with most airlines and are amongst the top forwarders providing exceptional airfreight rates and services to their customers and agents alike.
CQR Head Office would like to congratulate CQR Mumbai on these achievements and invite all members with shipments in Mumbai to get in touch with the team.

CQR Karachi ships steam turbine and generator to remote location

At the beginning of March this year, the Ravian International Agencies team showed off their project cargo capabilities when it shipped a Steam Turbine and Generator (481.7825 CBM, / 177,515 Kg) from China to a remote location in the Punjab (Tehsil Fatehjhang), Pakistan.
international logistics service provider
CQR Karachi provided the lashing services and organized the transportation by dry container on a YML vessel.
“Handling a variety of goods to anywhere and everywhere is not an easy task; even for single shipments, customer satisfaction is what really matters and once again our team has achieved this,” says G.Dastagir Paracha, Director of Sales and Marketing at Ravian Group.
CQR Karachi was Pakistan’s second highest N.V.O.C.C. in 2012 thanks to its reputation for professional management of cargo. Their unique selling point is their ‘one window solution policy’ which is proving to be extremely successful for buyers of N.V.O.C.C. consolidation.
Another niche market Ravian International has moved into and is dominating is in the transportation of ISO Tanks from Pakistan to locations worldwide. Being a market leader, they care about their client’s cargo safety and security and so consequently are members of the TT Club, which provides safe movements of containers.
In 2013, Ravian International Agencies will be celebrating its 43rd anniversary and Conqueror is sure that with skills like these, they will be around for another 43!

CQR Newcastle handles the loadout of 2 control cabins

How do you like to spend the weekend before Christmas? Something tells me it’s not working! Well, the consummate professionals that CQR Newcastle are meant they were doing just that.
logistics companies
When 2 control cabins needed loading onto a heavy lift vessel at Immingham the weekend before Christmas, Union Transport (Newcastle) Ltd. were again called into action to coordinate the transport, loading and customs clearance of the cargo.
With it being the weekend before the festive break, the team were hoping everything would go seamlessly, but unfortunately this was not the case as the vessel failed to arrive until the Saturday lunchtime, meaning only one of the cabins could be loaded with the second loading taking place on the Sunday morning. However, thanks to the meticulous planning of the team which allowed for such eventualities, both cabins were loaded on to the Algeria bound vessel under deck and secured by the crew in plenty of time. With a thoroughly satisfied customer, the team left for their break on a high!

CQR Rome moves tobacco factory trans continent

In January this year, CQR Rome (G.L.T.) began a 5 month project (estimated to finish May 2013) shipping an entire tobacco processing factory from Battipaglia, Italy to Mombasa, Kenya on behalf of Tobacco & Commodity Traders Int. Ltd. Whilst this may seem like a project which comes along once in a blue moon, for G.L.T. that is not the case; they have many years of experience in shipping entire industrial complexes.

The team put their heads together and came up with an end to end plan for this project which involved using dry, open and flat rack containers to pack the goods and the carrier Messina Line for the shipping.

logistics companies and suppliers

The types of goods they have transported includes tobacco processing equipment (motors, boilers, cylinders and conveyor belts) as well as steep platforms, feeders and electrical panels (3,000 m2 – 1,200 tons – Max.: 85 tons – 3.05 m diameter – 14 m. length). Additional services have been provided by CQR Rome from Ex Works to Free Out in Mombasa including lashing and securing in the various container types.

Head Office recently spoke to G.L.T’s CEO, Umberto Rocchi, to find out how the project was going. “So far so good; everything is on schedule for the project to be completed by the deadline in May. I would like to take some of the credit for this but I have to admit that it is all down to the hard work of our team on the ground that this project is going so well and that we keep receiving other projects like it.”

CQR Cebu City: ISO certified

Nominated Freight Int’l Services, INC (NFI) which operates as Conqueror’s exclusive agent in Cebu City is proud to announce that it is now an ISO Certified Quality Management System 9001-2008.

logistics companiesIn order to qualify for this prestigious certificate, NFI had to demonstrate the following:
– Its ability to consistently provide a product/service that meets customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements

– A focus on enhancing customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system

This certificate has not changed the working practices of the NFI team, whose motto is ‘Service is our business and we believe in exceeding customer expectation,’ but instead has given recognition to their hard work and focus on customer satisfaction.

When asked about the benefits of this certificate, NFI Vice President Gary Cortes said, ‘This certificate has given us proven business credentials independently verified against recognized standards, which I believe in turn, will enable us to win more business, particularly where procurement specifications require certification as a condition to supply.’
We would like to congratulate NFI on this achievement and also invite any members with shipments in Cebu City to get in touch with the team.

CQR Alexandria ships staccato tower

First Global Logistics, Conqueror’s exclusive agent in Alexandria, was recently nominated to re-export a staccato tower and its accessories, which had been in assisting in the lifting of the largest crane in the Middle East (300 Ton), back to Shanghai.

logistics business partner
Stuffing and lashing the 625,000 Kg / 987.41 CBM cargo into 4×20’dv, 15×40’Hc, 4×40’Fr, 1×20’dv S/O, 1×40’dv S/ was all the responsibility of the CQR Alexandria team, as well as the clearing and moving of the shipment from the ship yard in Alexandria to the port of Shanghai. Included in that colossal 625,000 Kg were gully blocks, steel tubes, pipes, frames, lifting beams, wires and hoists.
This shipment not only shows off First Global Logistics’ project cargo skills but also their ability to provide door-to-door consolidated services. With 15 years of customer satisfaction under their belts, the 35-strong team really believes that when you ship with them you will be shipping ‘Your Global Safe Way,’ and Conqueror couldn’t agree more.

Interview with CQR Budapest

Hunicorn joined Conqueror in August 2012 covering Budapest and then 4 months later took on Koper in Slovenia. Peter Schlembach, Hunicorn’s CEO, recently shared his thoughts on the challenges Freight Forwarders globally are facing and what their strategy is for meeting these challenges head on.

Q. Could you tell me a little about Hunicorn’s history and when you became involved with the company?
A.Hunicorn was established in 1991 and I was there from the very beginning. Prior to Hunicorn, I worked in the overseas department of Masped, the only freight forwarder (state-owned) in Hungary during the socialist times. Once the opportunities for privatization opened up, Hunicorn was born! Over the past 22 years, as a company, we have had our ups and downs like everyone else. We became ISO certified in 1998, started airfreight in 1998 and overseas LCL at the dawn of the Millennium. Since then, we have grown year on year. Last year we opened our new office in Koper and are planning another in Prague. 2012 also saw the launch of two new services for us; dangerous goods and personal effects.

Q. On Hunicorn’s website, it proudly states that Hunicorn is 100% Hungarian owned. Why, in your opinion, is it so important to emphasise this?

In Hungary, the multinationals have bought and are in control of almost everything or at least that’s how it feels, but the reality isn’t that far off with them having the monopoly in most markets, freight forwarding included. Many small and medium sized Hungarian foreign trading companies, shippers and consignees are not happy with the services these multinationals provide and as a result they prefer to use the services of Hungarians. So it is important to let our clients, both current and potential, know that we are not controlled or influenced by foreign powers!

Q. I
n your opinion, what are the current challenges facing independent forwarders such as Hunicorn, both in your country and worldwide?A. That is a very good question. We have had students from the Foreign Trading University, who are studying logistics and who come to us for experience and to write their final dissertations and many of them have chosen just this issue you are asking about. The answer to this question is clear, the multinationals. We have to fight the multinationals who have better global contracts with carriers, more money to finance their business and who take all the business on offer from international companies such as Nokia, RIM, Samsung, Phillips, Unilever, car manufacturers etc.Q. Clearly the multinationals aren’t too much of a challenge for Hunicorn, as the company is now over 20 years old and is going from strength to strength. What is the secret to Hunicorn’s success and how does it meet the challenge of the multinationals?
A. The only chance we have for success is by providing a high quality personalised service. Thankfully, not all clients are interested in the cheapest ‘solution.’ Everywhere, everything has its price and of course we cannot be the most expensive. We have learnt that if the price difference between us and the multinationals is over a certain level we will lose. Anything below that level and the customers are happy with us and over time, as we increase our volumes, we are able to offer better and better rates thus narrowing the gap. Furthermore, I have come to realise that Hunicorn alone will never actually be enough in certain fields of freight forwarding. This is why we have found strategic partners who, although technically our competitors, are also suffering at the dominant hands of the multinationals. We know that if we join forces, we can fight them!
Q. Hunicorn joined Conqueror 6 months ago, what initially attracted you to Conqueror as opposed to other networks?

We receive many recruiting emails from many networks every week. I am of the opinion that if a network is serious enough, there is no need to recruit new members like this. Actually, by sending these emails, they are saying they don’t care who joins, they are just interested in collecting the annual membership fee and that’s it! Conqueror seemed different especially because of its very serious application process. Plus, in the past, we had worked with some Conqueror agents and our experience was positive. When we began investigating, we saw that there were opportunities for us in Central Europe which is where we are currently opening new offices.
Q. I know that you and your network coordinator, Mihály Csapucha, are both attending our meeting in Bangkok this May. How do you think Hunicorn will benefit from your attendance?

We believe that Hunicorn will benefit a lot from the two of us attending this meeting. I strongly believe it will signal Hunicorn’s firm establishment in Conqueror. Exchanging hundreds of emails, even with our best customers, cannot compare to visiting them in person because it is during these face to face encounters that new issues come up. Our aims are to introduce ourselves and to meet as many members as possible and to discover their abilities and needs. We are sure that after the meeting our cooperation with individual members will grow!

With its eyes open to the challenges faced by freight forwarding companies, Hunicorn is ready for the fight!

We invite all members with shipments from/to Budapest and Koper to get in touch with the Hunicorn team.

Award season for CQR Istanbul

CQR Istanbul, Ekol Logistcs now has a hatrick of International Logistics Operators (L2) awards, after winning again at Logistrans 2012 Transport Logistics Exhibition in November 2012, beating off stiff competition for the third year in succession

 The Logitrans awards cover 13 different catagories and all nominees were assessed by a panel consisting of representatives from sectoral journals and civil society organizations in the industry. CQR Istanbul was awarded for its achievements in total turnover (US$), number of employees, number of trips abroad, number of branches abroad, number of self-owned vehicles, turnover of foreign sea transport (Tons) – (TEU), foreign air transport (USD), foreign railway transport (Tons), covered storage and warehouse areas.
November 2012 turned into an ‘awards season’ for Ekol with them also receiving the special ‘Superman’ award at LÖSEV’s 14th Anniversary Ceremony. LÖSEV is a non-profit foundation for children with Leukaemia providing them with emotional and financial support as well as health services.
logistics companies

You could be forgiven for thinking, “What does Ekol have to do with LÖSEV?” Well, Ekol provides logistical support when required; in particular with the use of its warehouses in Ankara and Izmir to store LÖSEV’s support packages as well as assisting in the timely delivery of the packs to those who need them. In addition, Ekol’s vehicles were used to transport the materials for the “Village for Children with Leukaemia” constructed by LÖSEV.

CEO, Tayfun Öktem, was there to receive the award on behalf of Ekol. When asked about their involvement with LÖSEV, he had this to say. “Ekol’s success allows us to offer our services for free to worthy organisations like LÖSEV and it is also important to give something back to the local community and more widely to our country. No-one knows when it will be them that is in need of assistance and therefore it is important to assist where you can when you are able; this is our belief at Ekol.”

It is clear that there is far more to Ekol than being a business, it is a humanitarian too.
To find out more about CQR Istanbul, Ekol Logistics, please contact Devrim Koray on or visit