New virtual multinational forwarder group now extends to 100 cities

Less than four months after its launch, the pioneering Conqueror Freight Network has “virtual branches” in 100 cities in 58 countries

This week’s acceptance of Aries Global Logistics, Inc. adds New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Miami to the fast-growing network, which is designed to operate like a multinational freight forwarding group, with a single member per city.

Aries (AGL) was founded in 1985, and has 90 employees. Like all members of the Conqueror group, it was checked out by an independent auditor as part of the selection process, and it meets the highest standards of solvency, size, and reputation. To date, the network has accepted only about 16% of applicants.

Aries president Frank G. D’Ambra said he hoped membership in Conqueror “will increase our reach in markets where we are not represented,” and noted that the network “has already filled in some of the more difficult regions”.

Conqueror is recruiting strong and solvent independent forwarders to act as “virtual branches” in each of the world’s 564 largest cities. Members now have a total of more than 8,000 employees.

“We are delighted to welcome the prestigious Aries company to our group, which considerably strengthens our coverage of the United States,” said Conqueror’s network development manager Russell Whittington. “While other networks may have as many as 80 members in a single city, we have only one in each, just like the multinationals. And like them, we require that our members cooperate actively with each other, working under common rules and our worldwide brand.”

“The idea is to equip our members with all the advantages previously enjoyed only by the mega forwarders, including a global network of reliable agents, exclusive software to delimit territories, a payment-protected environment, and even a dispute resolution service,” said Whittington.

“These advantages, combined with the personalized customer service traditionally associated with independent agents, are helping our members recover lost market share,” he added.

Members pay nothing during the six-month probationary period, but those who fail to cooperate actively with other members are replaced. Quality is monitored by self-policing. Members are obliged to report all problems that arise with other members, who all have a vested interest in upholding the brand image and the network’s collective reputation.

The formula appears to be working. “Some of our member agents say they have already received more new business from Conqueror than they did in years of belonging to other networks,” said Conqueror founder Antonio Torres, himself an experienced freight forwarder.

For more information, see


For more information, please contact:

Mr. Dwight Porter
Tel. +34 91 494 58 76

Conqueror in Logweb, April 2011

Cargofast e a nova representante da Conqueror em Sao Paulo

(28-04-2011). A empresa de freight forwarder Cargofast Logistica do Brasil foi selecionada como o representante best logistics networkexclusivo em Sao Paulo do Conqueror Network, que opera como um “virtual multinational”, no qual empresas independentes em todo o mundo trabalham juntas em um regime de “cooperacao disciplinada”.

Read the full article at:–nova-representante-da-conqueror-em-spaulo


Conqueror in Verslo Zinios, March 2011

UAB “Balthana” ir The Conqueror Freight Network – naujos galimybės krovinių ekspedijavimo pasaulyje

(09-03-2011).- Klaipedos imone UAB “Balthana” jau daugiau nei 10 metu dirbanti kroviniu ekspedijavimo srityje iais metais tapo The Conqueror Freight Network (CQR/FN) nare ir pirmaja Lietuvos atstove iame tinkle. CQR/FN – ekspeditoriu tinklas pradejo veikti 2011-01-01 su 55 nariais i viso pasaulio. iuo metu CQR/FN nariai yra i 55 miestu, 37 aliu, kuriu bendras darbuotoju skaicius virija 5880, o kroviniu srautai sudaro vir 250000 kroviniu per metus.

freight forwarder networkUAB “Balthana” kaip ir visi CQR/FN nariai buvo atrinkti grietai ivertinus ju finansini stabiluma, reputacija, kompetencija, verslo galimybes ir patirti. Tai dar karta patvirtina, kad esame patikimi ir dirbame atsakingai bei kokybikai, turime igije klientu ir veeju pasitikejima. Planuojama, kad per ateinancius dvejus metus CQR/FN nariu skaicius bus – 564, tai yra, kad i tiek, pasaulyje esanciuose pagrindiniuose juru ir oro uostuose isikurusiu ekspediciniu imoniu , bus atrinktos tik po viena – geriausia ir patikimiausia CQR/FN atstova.

CQR/FN siekia suteikti klientams i viso pasaulio galimybe rinktis tarp ymius vardus turincias dideles ekspedicines imones , kuriancias kroviniu ekspedijavimo rinkos taisykles ir kainas, bei tarp visame pasaulyje isikurusiu nepriklausomu imoniu, sudaranciu i tarptautini tinkla, kuris gales pasiulyti kvalifikuotas kroviniu ekspedijavimo paslaugas palankesnemis kainomis, nepamirtant kokybes. UAB “Balthana” turedama tokius CQR/FN partnerius, praples teikiamu paslaugu spektra – bus galima gabenti krovinius ivairesniais marrutais ir geresnemis salygomis, nei siulo konkurentai.

Diaugiames ir didiuojames, kad tapome CQR/FN nariais, atitikome auktus reikalavimus, bei ir toliau stengsimes savo esamiems ir busimiems klientams teikti aukciausio lygio kroviniu ekspedijavimo paslaugas, kaip to reikalauja grietos imones ir CQR/FN taisykles. Kvieciame aktyviai dometis UAB “Balthana” paslaugomis, bei gauti jas, u verte atitinkancia kaina.

Conqueror in Intelog, May 2011

Pinho International Logistics une-se a Conqueror Global Forwarding Group.

(03-05-2011).- A agenciadora de cargas Pinho International Logistics foi selecionada como representante exclusiva em Curitiba da Conqueror Freight Network, que opera como uma “multinacional virtual” na qual empresas independentes por todo o mundo trabalham juntas em um regime de “cooperação regimentada”.

freight forwarder network“É uma honra e um privilegio para nós pertencer ao seleto grupo da Conqueror”, diz o Analista de Marketing, Denis Sooma”.

A Conqueror, que iniciou o processo de seleção de membros em setembro de 2010, e começou suas operações em Janeiro, está à procura de agentes sólidos para atuarem como “filial virtual” em cada uma das 564 cidades em 127 países. Os membros tem consenso de contratar uma proporção substancial de seus embarques um dos outros, o que garante um aumento significativo no volume de negócios para todos, entre outras vantangens.

“A intuito é usar a cooperação para auxiliar os membro a competirem com bases mais equilitárias contra os giantes mega-agentes de cargas”, diz Antonio Torres, fundador do group Conqueror sediado em Madri.

“Fortes empresas como a Pinho International Group garantirá nosso sucesso como um grupo mundial”, disse Torres.A rede de participantes está à procura de membros qualificados em Rio Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Itajai , Porto Alegre and Manaus.

Para mais informações, visite

Conqueror in Parcel, February 2011

Forwarder network claims early success

(2/22/2011) Air Cargo World — A month after its operational launch, Conqueror Group, which claims to be the world’s first “virtual multinational” freight forwarder network, has reported positive feedback from its first 50 members.

freight forwarder networkConqueror founder, veteran freight forwarder Antonio Torres, said: “We are providing what medium-sized forwarders need most — partners everywhere who understand that the key to future survival and growth is genuine give-and-take cooperation in a secure payments environment.”

Conqueror in Logistics World News, February 2011

Conqueror Group Wins Praise from Founding Members

“We know there’s at least one independent forwarding firm in every city that can meet our standards and benefit immensely by joining us.”


Madrid, Spain, February 10, 2011. Only a month after its operational launch, the world’s first “virtual multinational” freight forwarding network is getting highly positive feedback from its first 50 members.

best freight forwarder network“An agent told me that he had received more new business from Conqueror in a month than he had in eight years from another network he had belonged to,” said Conqueror mastermind Antonio Torres, himself a veteran freight forwarder.

“Members also say they are impressed with each other’s quality and professionalism. One said we are providing what medium-sized forwarders need most –partners everywhere who understand that the key to future survival and growth is genuine give-and-take cooperation, in a secure payments environment.”

Conqueror in LogLink Logistics News

Conqueror Group Wins Praise from Founding Members
“We know there’s at least one independent forwarding firm in every city that can meet our standards and benefit immensely by joining us.”

For Conqueror’s network development manager Russell Whittington, “what members appreciate most is ‘owning’ their territories as the group’s sole representative, and the fact that the territories are clearly defined so there are no conflicts .”

best freight forwarder networkThe high-end network began accepting applications last September, and in January its members began contacting each other to start working together. All members must agree to work with each other for about half of their shipments and follow other rules to ensure “disciplined cooperation”.

The first members operate in 50 cities in 34 countries, and together they have more than 5,900 employees. All were carefully selected for solvency, size, and reputation from among nearly 500 applicants.

The recruitment drive will continue until the cooperative association has chosen members in all 564 of the world’s largest cities.

Conqueror in Air Cargo World, February 2011

Forwarder network claims early successfreight forwarding

18/02/2011 2:02 pm. A month after its operational launch, Conqueror Group, which claims to be the world’s first “virtual multinational” freight forwarder network, has reported positive feedback from its first 50 members.

Conqueror founder, veteran freight forwarder Antonio Torres, said: “We are providing what medium-sized forwarders need most — partners everywhere who understand that the key to future survival and growth is genuine give-and-take cooperation in a secure payments environment.”

Torres said that when a member signs up for the service, they immediately begin a free six-month trial of the software. Until the probationary period, new members would not be identified in the public area of the network’s website.

Conqueror began accepting applications last September, and in January, its members began contacting each other to start working together. All members must agree to work with each other for about half of their shipments and follow other rules to ensure “disciplined cooperation.”

The first members operate in 50 cities in 34 countries, and they were selected for solvency, size, and reputation from among nearly 500 applicants.

Source: Aircargoworld

Conqueror in Globalports On Line, February 2011

Conqueror Group Wins Praise From Founding Members

(17-2-2011). Only a month after its operational launch, the world’s first “virtual multinational” freight forwarding network is getting highly positive feedback from its first 50 members.

“An agent told me that he had received more new business from Conqueror in a month than he had in eight years from another network he had belonged to,” said Conqueror mastermind Antonio Torres, himself a veteran freight forwarder.

international logistics“Members also say they are impressed with each other’s quality and professionalism. One said we are providing what medium-sized forwarders need most -partners everywhere who understand that the key to future survival and growth is genuine give-and-take cooperation, in a secure payments environment.”

Read the full article at:

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