Conqueror Forwarder Network to Operate Like Multinational

Madrid, Spain, Sept.15 – A new high-level freight forwarders network will operate as a “virtual multinational”, with obligatory cooperation among members, a single worldwide brand, exclusive territories, and other advantages now enjoyed only by the biggest players.

Starting today, applications are being accepted to join the Conqueror Freight Network, in which carefully selected members will work with each other on at least 50% of their shipments and follow other rules to maximize the benefits of “disciplined cooperation”, enabling them to compete against the largest forwarding group.

“The idea is to mobilize the top rank of independents to work together as another ‘mega-forwarder’, while keeping their independence”, explains Antonio Torres, a freight forwarding veteran and mastermind of the Madrid-based Conqueror network. “But this calls for high admissions standards and for intelligent, monitored cooperation among our members”.

Each Conqueror agent will operate as a “virtual branch office” in one of 564 cities in 175 countries, receiving freehands, routed cargo, and sales leads from the other members. Like the multinationals, they will also benefit from global coverage, a payment-protected environment, collective negotiation with carriers, and internal discipline.

“Globalization has brought a steady increase in market share for a handful of multinational forwarders at the expense of even the best local firms”, Torres says, citing a Transport Intelligence study showing that in 2008 just ten companies accounted for 42% of the global freight forwarding market. “The mega-forwarders have followed their customers, opening branches everywhere, while the independents have watched helplessly from the sidelines. But our members will be able to bid for the biggest contracts.”

Torres, who has managed both small and multi-branch independents and held key positions in multinational forwarder groups, believes that independents face a “cooperate or die” situation in today’s market. He finds a parallel between Conqueror and Spain’s world champion soccer team: “It was give-and-take cooperation that gave Spain the advantage in this summer’s World Cup, and not just the quality of the individual players.”

The Conqueror brand is to be promoted worldwide as an attractive new alternative for shippers, who will no longer have to choose between the personalized service of the strongest local independent agents and the global reach and lower prices of a multinational forwarding group.

Applicants must undergo audits and supply proofs of solvency, strength, and good reputation. But those chosen will pay no membership fee for the first six months. “This will be a probationary period for both sides,” explains Torres. “We have to be certain that every member is able and willing to add value to the brand, and bring business to the network.”

“We’re assuming that most qualified freight forwarders will want to join, since they risk nothing, and the rewards –more volume, worldwide scope, efficiency, prestige– will be enormous. They keep their independence while participating in a global enterprise alongside the best agencies in the business, each one in its own exclusive territory. And there are other features –including valuable business tools– to help our members grow, and to reduce expenses and risks,” Torres says. “They’re the best, and they deserve the best!”

Conqueror Freight Network competirá com principais players

A Conqueror Freight Network é uma nova rede de forwarders que pretende funcionar como uma “multinacional virtual”, de acordo com o idealizador do projeto, Antonio Torres.freight forwarders network

O veterano no mercado de transporte de cargas afirma que a iniciativa é apoiada na cooperação entre os membros, agindo globalmente como uma marca única e proporcionando vantagens oferecidas atualmente apenas pelos grandes players.


Forwarder network takes on the giants – Air Cargo Worlds

A proposed freight forwarder network called Conqueror aims to operate as a “virtual multinational”

Selected members will be obliged to work with each other on at least 50 percent of their shipments but the Spanish initiative promises a single worldwide brand, exclusive territories, and “other advantages now enjoyed only by the biggest players”.

Antonio Torres, a freight forwarding veteran who devised the Conqueror Freight Network, said: “The idea is to mobilize the top rank of independents to work together as another ‘mega-forwarder’, while keeping their independence.”


Conqueror Forwarder Network to Operate Like multinational – Start One Public Relations

A new high-level freight forwarders network will operate as a “virtual multinational”, with obligatory cooperation among members, a single worldwide brand, exclusive territories, and other advantages now enjoyed only by the biggest freight network

Starting today, applications are being accepted to join the Conqueror Freight Network (, in which carefully selected members will work with each other on at least 50% of their shipments and follow other rules to maximize the benefits of “disciplined cooperation”, enabling them to compete against the largest forwarding group.

“The idea is to mobilize the top rank of independents to work together as another ‘mega-forwarder’, while keeping their independence”, explains Antonio Torres, a freight forwarding veteran and mastermind of the Madrid-based Conqueror network. “But this calls for high admissions standards and for intelligent, monitored cooperation among our members”.

“Conqueror” Forwarder Network to Operate Like Multinational – GLOBAL LOGISTICS MEDIA

Madrid, Spain, Sept. 15, 2010. – A new high-level freight forwarders network will operate as a “virtual multinational”, with obligatory cooperation among members, a single worldwide brand, exclusive territories, and other advantages now enjoyed only by the biggest players.

“Conqueror” Forwarder Network to Operate Like Multinational – GLOBALPORTS ON LINE

To help the best independent agencies recover lost market share “Conqueror” Forwarder Network to operate like multinational

logistics companies

A new high-level freight forwarders network will operate as a “virtual multinational”, with obligatory cooperation among members, a single worldwide brand, exclusive territories, and other advantages now enjoyed only by the biggest players.

Freight forwarders network to operate like multinational – Supply Chain Digital

High-level freight forwarders network, Conqueror, will operate as a “virtual multinational

Applications are now being accepted to join Conqueror, in which carefully selected members will work with each other on at least 50 percent of their shipments, enabling them to compete against the largest forwarding groups


Independent Forwarders Form Virtual Multinational – Export Logistics Guide

Conqueror Freight Forwarder Network

The new Conqueror Freight Network is a cooperative group of independent freight forwarders that, while retaining independence, operate as a virtual multinational freight forwarder. In other words, they provide the services formerly provided by only the largest multinational forwarders. Based in Madrid, Spain, they operate in 564 cities in 175 countries. Until now, independents have had a very difficult time competing against the largest firms because of the multinational presence of the big players, Conqueror is designed to give the independent forwarder a shot at more of that business.

Independent freight forwarders can now apply to join the Conqueror Freight Network.

World’s first ‘virtual multinational forwarder’ -Logistics Clinic

A new freight forwarding network that will operate as a “virtual multinational”, with obligatory co-best freight forwarders networkoperation among members, a single worldwide brand and exclusive territories, claims it will provide advantages currently enjoyed only by the biggest players.

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