Virtual Multinational Network members meet in the flesh- Transport Weekly

Phuket- a staggering 90 members from the world’s first virtual freight network, Conqueror, gathered for its inaugural conference, 23rd-25th May

best freight forwarder networkAn unprecedented number of delegates for a first conference, 90 in total from 40 countries, made the journey to Thailand. “Considering what other networks have managed at their initial conferences, this number is a great achievement,” said Antonio Torres, the brains behind this one of a kind freight forwarding network.
This one off Virtual Multinational is paving the way for a new generation of networks which want to mobilize independent freight forwarders to work together as global mega-forwarders. This desire to join forces was evident at the conference as members vied for each others time across every aspect of the conference. “At the heart of Conqueror is mutual cooperation,” explained Torres. “Without it, the network simply would not function.” The 3-day conference provided over 1,600+one-to-one meetings to enable members to strengthen this cooperation. “One perk of Conqueror’s focus on cooperation, is that all the members do business with a give and take attitude,” said one member. “This cooperation is made even easier by each of us being the only agent in our city which, of course, cuts out all competition. What’s left is a desire to work together.”
Conqueror is aiming to set up an exclusive virtual branch in each of the 472 major cities in the 175 countries it has identified. This is clearly one of Conqueror’s charms. “I can provide global coverage, under a common global brand as if I am part of a multinational and, more importantly, work with agents I trust,” said one satisfied delegate.

To read the full press release; click here


Conqueror Group wins praise from founding members

Madrid, Spain, February 10, 2011 – Only a month after its operational launch, the world’s first “virtual multinational” freight forwarding network is getting highly positive feedback from its first 50 members.

“An agent told me that he had received more new business from Conqueror in a month than he had in eight years from another network he had belonged to,” said Conqueror mastermind Antonio Torres, himself a veteran freight forwarder.

“Members also say they are impressed with each other’s quality and professionalism. One said we are providing what medium-sized forwarders need most –partners everywhere who understand that the key to future survival and growth is genuine give-and-take cooperation, in a secure payments environment.”

Torres said that until the end of the 6-month free trial –a probationary period for all new members– they will not be identified in the public area of

“But we encourage them to fly the Conqueror flag in their local markets. Their customers should know that they are being served by members of a new global elite.”

For Conqueror’s network development manager Russell Whittington, “what members appreciate most is ‘owning’ their territories as the group’s sole representative, and the fact that the territories are clearly defined so there are no conflicts .”

The high-end network began accepting applications last September, and in January its members began contacting each other to start working together. All members must agree to work with each other for about half of their shipments and follow other rules to ensure “disciplined cooperation”.

The first members operate in 50 cities in 34 countries, and together they have more than 5,900 employees. All were carefully selected for solvency, size, and reputation from among nearly 500 applicants.

The recruitment drive will continue until the cooperative association has chosen members in all 564 of the world’s largest cities.

“We know there’s at least one independent forwarding firm in every city that can meet our standards and benefit immensely by joining us. But we are very serious about accepting only the most solvent, and those who can bring an appreciable volume of business to the network. That’s why we have had to reject almost nine of every ten applications,” explained Whittington.

The Conqueror Freight Network is designed to equip strong independent freight forwarders with the partners, organizational infrastructure, and tools they need to compete in an industry increasingly dominated by a dozen multinational “mega forwarders”.

For more information, please contact:

Mr. Dwight Porter
Tel. +34 91 494 58 76

Freight Forwarders Network Streamlines Process – SUPPLYCHAIN DIGITAL

The Conqueror freight forwarders network has simplified its membership application process. The Conqueror network was inundated with applications, which has prompted it to streamline the membership application procedure. Applicants must now complete a single form, while extra staff have been taken on to deal with the backlog.

freight agents networkAntonio Torres, who designed the network of freight forwarders, said: “We had a bigger response than we bargained for, and in our zeal to identify the most qualified candidates, we had asked for too much information and too many documents.”

Since the September 15 launch, hundreds of applications and thousands of emails were received, network coordinator Russell Whittington said. This forced the postponement of promotional campaigns on several continents.


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