Conqueror Freight Network competirá com principais players

A Conqueror Freight Network é uma nova rede de forwarders que pretende funcionar como uma “multinacional virtual”, de acordo com o idealizador do projeto, Antonio Torres.freight forwarders network

O veterano no mercado de transporte de cargas afirma que a iniciativa é apoiada na cooperação entre os membros, agindo globalmente como uma marca única e proporcionando vantagens oferecidas atualmente apenas pelos grandes players.


Conqueror Forwarder Network to Operate Like multinational – Start One Public Relations

A new high-level freight forwarders network will operate as a “virtual multinational”, with obligatory cooperation among members, a single worldwide brand, exclusive territories, and other advantages now enjoyed only by the biggest freight network

Starting today, applications are being accepted to join the Conqueror Freight Network (, in which carefully selected members will work with each other on at least 50% of their shipments and follow other rules to maximize the benefits of “disciplined cooperation”, enabling them to compete against the largest forwarding group.

“The idea is to mobilize the top rank of independents to work together as another ‘mega-forwarder’, while keeping their independence”, explains Antonio Torres, a freight forwarding veteran and mastermind of the Madrid-based Conqueror network. “But this calls for high admissions standards and for intelligent, monitored cooperation among our members”.