In June 2012 CQR Cairo was chosen to transport a shipment of petroleum equipment from Egypt to Houston in the United States. What makes this story more interesting is that a decade earlier the MGL team had shipped the exact same cargo to the US as a brand new piece of equipment. It fell back into their hands this year, in a slightly older state, to be shipped back to the US on an Air France Freighter after some renovations were carried out in Egypt.
The dimensions of this cargo were as follows 200cm x 200cm x 230 cm, weight 4300 kg.
Marc Gharabawi, MGL’s Director, told CQR Head Office that, “Despite the competition for this kind of shipment, we have created strong relationships with most airlines meaning that MGL is the popular choice as a subcontractor for petroleum companies in Cairo.”
Conqueror is pleased to announce that CQR Hong Kong, The Janel Group of Hong Kong Limited, has once again been appointed as the official forwarder for the Hong Kong International Wine and Spirit Fair 2012 being held between November 8th and 10th, 2012
CQR Hong Kong was the clear choice for this role due to its expertise and years in the wine industry. As well as the run of the mill logistics services, The Janel Group offers its clients specialized wine related services; including the storage of wine in temperature controlled warehouses.
This wine and spirits fair is the largest of its kind in Asia. Of their role at the fair Managing Director Paul Tsiu said, “We will be providing a duty exemption program for exhibitors on spirits which have an alcohol content of over 30%. In addition we will be running logistics services and support to them at all times.”
The Hong Kong Trader publication has also picked up on the abilities of the Janel Group to handle wines and spirits.
Time is flying and the much-awaited 1st CQR Annual Meeting is just around the corner!
60+ delegates have already registered! We are certain that you would like to meet them face-to-face as much as they would love to know you personally. So make sure that you register on time and don’t miss out on this opportunity!!
This CQR Annual Meeting is based on our winning formula for successful business initiatives – business mixed with authentic pleasure. And what better place to experience this but in the tropical paradise of Phuket!
We promise you plenty of new friends and business mates, joyful memories and of course, sales leads to follow up on upon return back home!
Sign up today to guarantee your place in this gathering!
We are delighted to announce the 1st CONQUEROR ANNUAL MEETING which will be held at JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa in Phuket (Thailand) on 23rd – 25th May 2012.
This event will be a great opportunity for all CQR members to build stronger business relationships with each other, discuss industrial trends, and of course, celebrate our network’s success!
UAB “Balthana” ir The Conqueror Freight Network – naujos galimybės krovinių ekspedijavimo pasaulyje
(09-03-2011).- Klaipedos imone UAB “Balthana” jau daugiau nei 10 metu dirbanti kroviniu ekspedijavimo srityje iais metais tapo The Conqueror Freight Network (CQR/FN) nare ir pirmaja Lietuvos atstove iame tinkle. CQR/FN – ekspeditoriu tinklas pradejo veikti 2011-01-01 su 55 nariais i viso pasaulio. iuo metu CQR/FN nariai yra i 55 miestu, 37 aliu, kuriu bendras darbuotoju skaicius virija 5880, o kroviniu srautai sudaro vir 250000 kroviniu per metus.
UAB “Balthana” kaip ir visi CQR/FN nariai buvo atrinkti grietai ivertinus ju finansini stabiluma, reputacija, kompetencija, verslo galimybes ir patirti. Tai dar karta patvirtina, kad esame patikimi ir dirbame atsakingai bei kokybikai, turime igije klientu ir veeju pasitikejima. Planuojama, kad per ateinancius dvejus metus CQR/FN nariu skaicius bus – 564, tai yra, kad i tiek, pasaulyje esanciuose pagrindiniuose juru ir oro uostuose isikurusiu ekspediciniu imoniu , bus atrinktos tik po viena – geriausia ir patikimiausia CQR/FN atstova.
CQR/FN siekia suteikti klientams i viso pasaulio galimybe rinktis tarp ymius vardus turincias dideles ekspedicines imones , kuriancias kroviniu ekspedijavimo rinkos taisykles ir kainas, bei tarp visame pasaulyje isikurusiu nepriklausomu imoniu, sudaranciu i tarptautini tinkla, kuris gales pasiulyti kvalifikuotas kroviniu ekspedijavimo paslaugas palankesnemis kainomis, nepamirtant kokybes. UAB “Balthana” turedama tokius CQR/FN partnerius, praples teikiamu paslaugu spektra – bus galima gabenti krovinius ivairesniais marrutais ir geresnemis salygomis, nei siulo konkurentai.
Diaugiames ir didiuojames, kad tapome CQR/FN nariais, atitikome auktus reikalavimus, bei ir toliau stengsimes savo esamiems ir busimiems klientams teikti aukciausio lygio kroviniu ekspedijavimo paslaugas, kaip to reikalauja grietos imones ir CQR/FN taisykles. Kvieciame aktyviai dometis UAB “Balthana” paslaugomis, bei gauti jas, u verte atitinkancia kaina.
To help the best independent agencies recover lost market share “Conqueror” Forwarder Network to operate like multinational
A new high-level freight forwarders network will operate as a “virtual multinational”, with obligatory cooperation among members, a single worldwide brand, exclusive territories, and other advantages now enjoyed only by the biggest players.
The new Conqueror Freight Network is a cooperative group of independent freight forwarders that, while retaining independence, operate as a virtual multinational freight forwarder. In other words, they provide the services formerly provided by only the largest multinational forwarders. Based in Madrid, Spain, they operate in 564 cities in 175 countries. Until now, independents have had a very difficult time competing against the largest firms because of the multinational presence of the big players, Conqueror is designed to give the independent forwarder a shot at more of that business.
Independent freight forwarders can now apply to join the Conqueror Freight Network.
Expand your businesses, reduce costs and risks, and compete on more equal terms against the largest international companies
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