They loaded the two helicopters in a charter Ilyushin IL – 76 aircraft at the Girona Airport

Airtransa SA, Conqueror member in Barcelona, Spain, has recently moved a lifesaving shipment consisting of human bone marrow. They transported the delicate shipment via air freight from Barcelona to Frankfurt, Germany. The sensitive cargo was sent from the United States to Valencia, Spain, for additional treatment. Afterward, it was sent from Valencia to Madrid by an exclusive truck. Finally, from Madrid, Airtransa exported it to Frankfurt via Barcelona by air.
The shipment required a lot of effort on the part of CQR Barcelona who had to coordinate with different parties like the carrier, terminal, airline, etc. Additionally, they had to confirm with the terminal to not x-ray the cargo because of its delicate nature. For this, they had to obtain a letter from the clinic declaring the sensitivity of the cargo before requesting exemption from an x-ray. As stated by Dimos Economeas, the Business Development Manager of Airtransa, “It was a complicated operation in terms of timing as there were too many things to consider. Nevertheless, we made it happen! We are delighted to have successfully executed a shipment that could potentially save a life.” |
Congratulations to Airtransa for successfully moving this lifesaving shipment!